Tuesday 1 September 2015

A bimbo chic or a spunk babe ? What guys prefer ?

Just like everything else in the world something's last and some don't... And out we definitely know that most don't.  A perfect relationship is what most women secretly desire yet never confront and I speak this as a first hand witness of being a women for over 21years now. We play cool, pretend to not fall for a guy and swore almost rhetorically to never never like EVER fall in love. But deep down a hidden desire furnishes itself as we walk through life with a ridiculed attitude. When all we want is some flowers , chocolate and a cute V.V. big teddy..

But what do guys want? Would they fit in with a sexy chic who cares more about her good hair day or a girl who is too lost in her books and life that she has no time to look towards the outside world or even out of her window for that matter.

So now I will jot down a list of 10 things of things guys like assuming I have done all the researches and read various other books... And what is next is a miracle... You change yourself and become a queen of every guy's heart.
Surprise! Surprise! There is no such list anyone can ever provide you.
The only and the only thing you can do to attract better guys and have long lasting relationships is by IMPROVING YOURSELF TO BE A BETTER VERSION OF YOURSELF.

And this actually works . Believe me ! I have tried it myself.
It includes doing the following things(and I finally have a list! A more realistic one off course)

1. Love yourself. Embrace your company more than anything else. It is the only thing you will have till the end.

2. Become a better person in your own eyes than anyone else's. You try to impress the entire world and you end up with the least amount of self satisfaction.
3.Travel. This is the best thing you can do as a single women. A survey conducted by the ET (economic times) says that one of the top regrets a women has after marriage is not having traveled much when single.

Saying that doing the above things will land you in the arms of your dream man won't be honesty in the strict sense. But they will certainly make you a happier person. 😊

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