Sunday 7 February 2016

Confessions of a girl who is not ''Marriage Material''

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So this weekend was a busy one for me, one of cousin brother got married to his long time girlfriend. It was a ceremonious occasion , almost everyone of our distant relatives were present. Not so long ago I had decided that after a long time battle , economics was my favorite subject and that i had to learn more about and grasp as much of it as I can. (More on that later)
After beginning my fresh love affair with economics ,  I was on a analytical mode during the entire wedding and it was not too late for me to decide that I AM NOT GETTING MARRIED FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS (AT LEAST). I would you tell you my age , but I am forbidden to do so by the convention of how to act like a girl signed by whoever and whenever.
 It was horrible. No, not the wedding , not even the food , but the entire idea of it. We get married to people we want to spend the rest of our lives with (if we are lucky) and call people whom we don't like in real lives to join us in the celebration and have fancy dishes , wish us lots of good luck , But wait ! Don't forget to pay for all that , because then you will continue to be in their good books and we will refund you , when there is but the right occasion. I saw economics everywhere, you know like bold letters written all over the place and hanging above my head the entire time. Paulo Coehlo refers to this phenomenon as The favour bank in his book 'The Zahir'. It is the  most crucial phenomenons in the world... Read more about it here
You disagree to this entire institution, and you are bound to be refuted.Once I remember my maternal grandmother was telling me the jewelries she had given n each daughter's marriage (she has five ) when i told her it does not matter and i was beaten with loads of reasons that it did, 'that is how things work' she said.
I am sure it does , but isn't it long time that we realize what is befitting to all us and what is not. I mean  the idea of it is self degenerating, because eventually you start measuring love with the amount of zeroes in the wedding cards that you receive. It spoils you as a human being forever, And the worst part is you don't even realize it. Because you continue to remain stuck in the brown side and strive for better shades of brown and you can not know the beauty of green side unless you have seen it. 

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